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Who Can I Sue for My Bicycle Accident in West Palm Beach?


After a bicycle accident in West Palm Beach, it may be difficult to determine who to sue. You might be suffering from head-injury-related amnesia. Perhaps the accident seems like a blur, and you’re not exactly sure who – or what – struck you. Maybe a reckless driver fled the scene, and you regained consciousness with no one nearby. Whatever the case may be, a bicycle accident lawyer may be able to guide you toward justice, closure, and compensation.

You Might Not Need to Sue at All 

The first thing you should know is that a lawsuit may not be necessary if you want to pursue compensation for your bicycle injuries in Florida. This is because the Sunshine State uses a no-fault system, and your PIP insurance may still apply even if you were riding a bike instead of driving your car.

That being said, no-fault insurance only gets you so far. It will only cover your medical bills, and in some instances, lost wages, up to a total of $10,000.00. In addition, no-fault insurance only covers your economic damages – including medical expenses and missed wages. No-fault insurance does not cover your non-economic damages, including pain, suffering, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional distress. Note that these damages can be significant.

Negligent Drivers 

If you want to pursue additional compensation for your non-economic damages, you need to establish that you suffered a “permanent injury.” You also need to show that someone else caused your injury. The obvious defendant in many bicycle crashes is a negligent driver who caused your accident.

 Commercial Drivers 

Aside from average drivers, commercial drivers may also be to blame for bicycle accidents. These might include truckers, delivery van drivers, food delivery workers, ride-share companies and so on. If you sue a commercial driver, you may also be able to name their employer as a defendant. This allows you to sue a company in addition to an individual.

 Government Agencies 

Another option is to sue a government agency for causing your crash. This may be a viable option if your bike crash was caused by a government vehicle, such as a USPS truck, police car, fire truck, ambulance, or public utility vehicle.

 E-Bike Riders and Motorcyclists 

Finally, e-bike riders and motorcyclists may be to blame for your crash. Despite these being relatively lightweight vehicles, they are fast and heavy enough to cause serious injuries to cyclists.

Find an Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer in West Palm Beach 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in West Palm Beach, look no further than Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather. With our help, you can determine exactly who was to blame for your injuries. After determining fault, you can hold negligent parties accountable and pursue the compensation you need. Reach out today to discuss the most appropriate course of legal action in more detail.




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