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Florida Personal Injury Lawyers / Blog / Bicycle Accident / Is Suing for Ankle Injuries Worth It After a Bicycle Accident in West Palm Beach?

Is Suing for Ankle Injuries Worth It After a Bicycle Accident in West Palm Beach?


 Ankle injuries are common after bicycle accidents in West Palm Beach. If you have experienced this issue firsthand, you might be wondering whether a personal injury claim is worth the effort. After all, you might assume that your ankle injury is relatively minor, and a lawsuit may seem daunting. Before you completely dismiss the possibility of legal action, you might want to consider a few important factors:

Your Ankle Injury Could Be Worse Than You Realize 

First, it makes sense to determine how serious your ankle injury really is. Without prompt medical attention, it may be impossible to predict how this injury will affect your life. Some ankle injuries may heal in a matter of weeks, while you might need to wait months for a more serious ankle injury to heal. Other ankle injuries could take years to fully heal, while some could lead to permanent disabilities.

For example, a level one ankle sprain may only lead to minor medical expenses and a few weeks of missed work. On the other hand, a torn ligament or serious fracture could require expensive surgeries and years of pain and disability.

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after the accident.  First and foremost, it is best for your health to have a doctor evaluate the condition of your ankle.  Also, if you fail to get medical treatment, it might be difficult to prove your injuries. This could potentially prevent you from seeking compensation. Even if you eventually decide not to pursue legal action, this allows you to keep your options open until you understand the severity of your injuries.

Even Minor Ankle Injuries Can Lead to Serious Losses 

It might be difficult to predict the financial cost of your injuries without first consulting a lawyer. These legal professionals can help you calculate things like lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages.

Even a minor ankle injury could easily cost you thousands of dollars in medical bills. You might also lose thousands more due to a few weeks of missed work. On top of all this, you probably need to replace your bike after an accident.  Some bikes can be quite expensive. With these economic damages in mind, it may make perfect sense to pursue a personal injury claim.

Note that in many cases, injured cyclists can pursue compensation from insurance providers without ever having to go to court. Keep this in mind if you’re worried about stressful, drawn-out personal injury litigation.  The majority of injury claims can be resolved without going to a trial.  However, it is crucial to hire an attorney who is experienced and could be ready to take your case to trial if necessary.

 Find an Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer in West Palm Beach 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in West Palm Beach, consider a consultation with Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather. We have helped numerous injured cyclists over the years, and we can help you determine whether suing for an ankle injury is worth it. While internet research is a positive first step, reading only gets you so far. Ankle injuries can vary greatly, and it makes sense to get personalized legal guidance. Book your consultation today to get started.




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