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How Do I Heal From Road Rash After a Motorcycle Accident in Port St. Lucie?


Road rash is a very common injury for motorcyclists. If you have experienced this injury firsthand, you already know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. In addition, you may be concerned about disfiguring scars that never truly heal. What is the best way to treat this type of injury? Perhaps most importantly, how will you pay for this treatment after a motorcycle accident in Port St. Lucie?

Common Treatment Options for Road Rash 

If you have experienced road rash after a motorcycle accident, there are a number of common treatment options to consider. The first step is to determine the severity of your road rash. Minor road rash may heal completely without any scarring whatsoever. That being said, effective treatment is still very important for this less severe “common road rash.” Even the most shallow friction burns can become infected, especially with embedded foreign objects.

More severe road rash may require more intense treatments. WebMD refers to these injuries as “traumatic tattoos,” and they often involve embedded objects such as rocks, glass, dirt, or metal fragments. If you do not seek immediate and effective treatment, these foreign objects may become permanently embedded in your skin. After the healing process, your skin may have various blemishes and bruises that never seem to go away.

Skin grafting is a more serious form of treatment that may be necessary for particularly serious cases of road rash. This process involves taking a segment of healthy skin from one part of the body and transplanting it onto the affected area. Although this treatment option is expensive and somewhat invasive, it can potentially eliminate permanent scarring.

Pursuing Compensation for Disfigurement After Suffering Road Rash 

If you have experienced permanent disfigurement due to your road rash, you may be eligible for higher levels of compensation. In Florida, “disfigurement” is a recognized non-economic damage. In other words, it represents the pain and suffering effects of road rash, and not just the financial cost of your treatment.

Find an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Port St. Lucie 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced Port St. Lucie motorcycle accident lawyer,  look no further than Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather. We know how serious road rash can be, and we can help you pursue the compensation you need to cover the cost of your treatment. You may have more legal options than you realize, so continue this important discussion today by booking a consultation.




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