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Author Archives: Site Administrator

JROTC Training

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Schools have a responsibility to keep students safe.  In fact, according to the law, the owners and operators of all properties have a legal responsibility to prevent avoidable accidents on their premises.  The original purpose of premises liability laws was to protect customers injured in accidents at retail stores, guests injured at hotels, patrons… Read More »

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Teen’s Invention May Help Prevent Blindspot-related Car Accidents

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

The features of cars that have done the most to reduce the rate of accidents and car accident-related injuries are not necessarily the newest or flashiest.  The humble seatbelt has prevented more accidents than the (admittedly useful) rear-facing camera or the dreaded heads-up display (HUD) can hope to prevent.  Mirrors are as old as… Read More »

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South Florida Motorcycle Accidents New Roundup: September 2019 Edition

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

On the surface, Florida seems like a great place to ride a motorcycle; the weather is almost always ideal for it, and the flat terrain is welcoming even to novice motorcycle riders.  Riding a motorcycle can be very dangerous; the injuries you sustain in a minor motorcycle accident can be much more severe than… Read More »

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Florida Is by Far the Most Dangerous State for Pedestrians

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Florida’s highway traffic is fast and chaotic enough to make even the most daring drivers think twice before attempting to travel in it, but if you think it is dangerous to drive on Florida’s roads, it is even more dangerous to walk on them.  A report based on data from the National Highway Traffic… Read More »

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Smart Motorcycle Helmets: Next Generation Safety Feature, Unnecessary Hazard, or Valuable Evidence?

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

When determining fault for a motorcycle accident or collision involving any kind of motor vehicle, insurance companies examine all factors to determine who or what caused the accident and what could have been done to prevent it.  In most accidents, they assign fault to one of the drivers or divide the fault, not always… Read More »

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“Retro” Safety Features in Your Car Are a Legal Liability

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Old cars are undeniably cool to look at, but newer cars are much safer.  You might wish to feel like a young James Dean, racing down the road in a classic car, but then you should remember that most cars in the 1950s didn’t have seatbelts, and thus James Dean, like so many young… Read More »

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The Collateral Source Rule and Personal Injury Lawsuits in Florida

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Medical bills are a major source of financial hardship for Americans.  People without health insurance can end up in a dire financial situation if they seek treatment even for a relatively minor illness or injury.  For example, if you cut your hand while doing home repairs and need stitches, the emergency room bill can… Read More »

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City of Boca Raton Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit after Accidental Drowning During Boca Bash

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

It does not take much for the fun to get out of hand in South Florida, especially at festive outdoor events like Boca Bash, the city-wide boating party on the Intracoastal Waterway.  If you are the kind of person who assesses the risk of accidents, you could probably see the potential for all sorts… Read More »

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Family Sues Property Management Company after Woman Dies from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Since elementary school, you have known not to ignore the beeping of a smoke alarm. Replacing the batteries in your smoke alarm when you hear it chirping can save you not only from a fire, which you would probably notice anyway because of the flames and the smell but also from carbon monoxide poisoning, which… Read More »

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Widow Sues Tesla, Alleges That Autopilot Malfunction Caused Fatal Crash

By Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather |

Unless you are an industry insider or a skilled researcher, you probably get plenty of mixed messages about the state-of-the-art features found on new models of cars.  On the one hand, tech news sites run plenty of puff pieces about how the new features of cars will make driving so much easier and so… Read More »

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